McGwire picked the wrong week to come ‘clean’ on being ‘dirty’

Could Mark McGwire pick a worse week to air his dirty laundry? After years of silence, the former Trojan becomes a chatterbox, finally admitting to steroid use—shocking, isn’t it?!  Although it was never confirmed, I think most people already knew that the tree trunk of a man that once held baseball’s single season homerun record also spent part of his time moonlighting as a human pincushion. If you are among the minority of Americans that didn’t speculate foul play, there’s a high probability that one of your fondest memories of the past decade was potty training.

USC fans, students, alum, etc, have spent the past few weeks waiting for something to smile about—anything. Think about it. The football team played in the Emerald Bowl. The baseball coach is being sued. The surprising basketball team that once led the Pac 10 was hit with self imposed sanctions that will ban them from postseason play. Then we got a break, Randy Johnson retired and we celebrated a career that began on our diamonds. That’s followed by the resignation of Pete Carroll and evidence of an athletic department in turmoil.

“It’s very emotional, it’s telling family members, friends and coaches, you know, it’s former teammates to try to get a hold of, you know, that I’m coming clean and being honest,” he said. “It’s the first time they’ve ever heard me, you know, talk about this. I hid it from everybody.”–

~ by Anthony on January 11, 2010.

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